WeLcOmE tO tHe HoMe Of "ThE BaSeBoYs" - In here U'll find: Mp3, Warez, Hacking Stuff, Terrorinst Stuff, Garfield Stripes, Other Comics, Funny Programs, Hacking Utillity, SMS and Emial Service and Lots of other gReAt StUfF! - So why did U read this? - Go check it!!! | <<-MainPage->> |
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:-) Here is where we put the cool/useful
things we find on the net.
If you need any program, please mail
us and we'll try to find it and put it here:
CPU Boost: A program wich tunes your Pentium Computer (only Pentium I) <Dunno>
DirectX v6.1 for Win98 Full: Well this is the full version of Direct-X [4,95 mb]
DirectX v6.0 for Win95 Full English: This is the full version of Direct-X for Win 95[3,67 mb]
Dll Show: When U'r computer goes down and U click Details 2 c what have happend, the only thing U c i all those strange number and names - have U ever wondered what all these strange things mean? If U want 2 find out u can if convenient use this prog [146kb]
Easy Fast Viewer: Fast and easy viewer for the most general files. Saves lots of time. [430 kb]
Free Theme: With this program it's possible to load MS Plus Themes without installin' MS PLus. [1,06 mb]
GameSpy v1.52: GameSpy Search the internet for servers, on which u can play Quake, Quake II, Hexen and other games. [1,01 mb]
Go!zilla v3.2: This is our favorite program for downloading. U can start downloading a file - stop - and continue a another day or later or if you get disconnected u can start from where u stopped. [1,49 mb]
HeXaBit JUNIOR: With this installed on your computer, u have the possibility to choose which homepages u can get access to. [699 kb]
Icq v99a: Use this program 2 see when
U'r friends r online. U can chat and transfer files 2 each other [3,61 mb]
Keep it Alive: If U have problems beeing disconnetced from the internet USE THIS
Mad Capture: Smart little program for takin' screen-dumps. [239 kb]
Magic Folders: It gives u the ability to make folders invisible for other users of the machine. [107 kb]
Media Ring ´99: Call U'r friends, even when u both are offline, and talk trough the computer [2,99mb]
Mp3 Decoder: Program U'll need if u want to make Audio CD's of Mp3
NetBar: It's a toolbar specially made for the internet. [243 kb]
NetSonic v1.02: An internet accelerator. [758 kb]
Panorama: With this u can change your desktop picture with the picture that u want. [490 kb]
Power Tweak: A very cool tuner 4 U'r computer - specially good with AMD-K6 and 3Dfx Cards [1,16mb]
RegClean: It's a program for cleanin' up the registration-database. [377 kb]
RideWay v1.83: If u want to connect 2 or more computers on one modem at the same time. (mail for SERIAL) [not uploaded yet]
SR-HTML: With this program u can make a search-and-replace on files in the same directory. [129 kb]
Twister: This screensaver gets the storms Twister to look like pure water. [785 kb]
Twin Explorer: A expansion for the explorer. Run 2 explorer windows in the same window. [472 kb]
Virtual Turn Tables: Ever wanted a mixer for mp3 [2,29]
Webeye: (ONLY FOR USE IN DENMARK) this program keeps an eye on how much money u have spend on the internet. [555 kb]
WinAmp v2.09: This is absolutely the best program for playing Mp3(z). (mail for SERIAL) (If this link is down/slow/old click here) [508 kb]
WinZip v7.0: This is THE file extracting program - u'll need it for almost anything u download here. (mail for SERIAL) [692 kb]
If u need a program that u can't find here please mail us, and we will try to find it, and put it on our homepage. And please leave your mail-address if u got one.